Category Archives: Technology

Spotting Fracking and Pumping Effects from Space

2011-2014 Hydraulic Fracturing Water Use (square meters/well)
Map by U. S. Geological Survey.

Using a technique called satellite radar interferometry, researchers have spotted millimeter-scale ground uplift surrounding four high-pressure injection wells near the eastern Texas city of Timpson. Two of the wells were located directly above a spate of record quakes that struck Timpson in 2012, topping out with a 4.8 magnitude quake on May 17. The other two were located within six miles of the quakes.

Read/listen to my full story at KJZZ’s Arizona Science Desk:
ASU Researcher: Satellite Radar Links Wastewater Pumping To Earthquakes

Thermal Camera Will Narrow Search for Water, Life on Europa

Image of Europa's chaotic surface.
Image courtesy NASA/JPL/DLR.

NASA’s recent news that the Hubble Space Telescope had spotted liquid water plumes on Jupiter’s moon Europa has raised interest in a planned mission that will study the icy world to confirm the ocean’s presence and search for signs of life.

An instrument being built by Arizona State University will show experts where to start looking.

Read/listen to my full story at KJZZ’s Arizona Science Desk:
ASU Thermal Camera Will Guide Europa Mission’s Search For Water, Life

The Circle of Archaeology: Veterans Processing Finds by Other Veterans

A Mimbres pottery image from the center's collection.
A Mimbres pottery image from the center’s collection.
(Photo courtesy Center for Digital Antiquity)

An Arizona State University program this semester will use veterans to archive digital archaeological data from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The four veterans will train and work at ASU’s Center for Digital Antiquity, which houses the nation’s largest archive of digital archaeological data.

Read/listen to my full story at KJZZ’s Arizona Science Desk:
ASU Taps Veterans To Archive For US’s Largest Digital Archaeology Database

We’re Going to Need New Idioms for This: Record-Breaking Lightning

Cloud-to-cloud lighting.
Cloud-to-cloud lighting. Photo by Fir0002 / Flagstaffotos.

A 200-mile lightning flash and another flash lasting nearly eight seconds have redefined experts’ notions of what is possible for such events.

The new data prompted a World Meteorological Organization committee to recommend revising the definition of lightning discharges.

Read/listen to my full story at KJZZ’s Arizona Science Desk:
Record-Breaking Lightning Flashes Help Change Definition Of Lightning Events

ASU Lab Takes Deep Dive into Dark Web

So 133t

The time to fix a security flaw is before it’s exploited — just ask the Clinton campaign or the World Anti-Doping Agency. So Arizona State University’s Paulo Shakarian tracks cyber threats to their origins: In the hard-to-access deep web and the secretive dark web.

Read/listen to my full story at KJZZ’s Arizona Science Desk:
ASU Lab Tracking Cyber Threats On Deep Web, Dark Web